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Business Insider Looks at the Metaverse NEW 2022 *

Business Insider Looks at the Metaverse NEW 2022 *

October 27, 2022 12:28
Business Insider Looks at the Metaverse NEW 2022 *



Business Insider Looks at the Metaverse

Business Insider Looks at the Metaverse

Business Insider Looks at the Metaverse

Hogeschool PXL

The metaverse is a new virtual world in which people can interact with each other. It has become extremely popular, especially with the children. Hogeschool PXL is set to begin an opleidingstraject to teach students the basics of this virtual world. In the summer, students will learn about metaverse architecture and the different features of this new virtual world.

Metaverse is a concept renamed by Mark Zuckerberg’s company and it is the future of the internet. The concept is a virtual world that can be used for any purpose. For example, Walmart is now discontinuing the sale of handgun ammunition, and Walmart is looking into a company that can create virtual sneakers.

Star Atlas

Star Atlas is a blockchain-based Play-to-Earn game. It is the first of its kind and has massive potential. Its founders are seasoned veterans with background in blockchain, gaming, and the blockchain industry. They have raised funds through the market sale of game assets and token sales. They are well-funded, and plan to raise more money through NFT drops and other methods. Additionally, they have built a massive social media following, with over 100k registered users.

While Star Atlas is still a few years away from its production release, there are several warning signs to keep an eye out for. The game is far from being ready for release yet, and the negative sentiment circulating amongst the community points to risks. The game is still an exciting early-stage project, and it will be interesting to watch.


A recent study looked at how the workplace of the future can improve the productivity of employees. A team of 18 employees at a university spent a week in a metaverse, allowing them to collaborate with one another in the virtual environment. Only two volunteers dropped out of the experiment due to nausea. The 18 who stayed said they felt more frustrated and anxious than when they left.

The metaverse presents unique challenges for HR professionals. Some challenges are similar to those faced by companies that launched Second Life nearly 15 years ago, such as how to protect the workplace from malicious spammers. Other challenges include how to measure employee engagement in a virtual environment. If you want to take advantage of this new technology, HR professionals will need to create new policies and implement programs that address these challenges.

Mark Zuckerberg’s $15 billion investment in Reality Labs

Meta, a social networking company Mark Zuckerberg founded, is investing $15 billion in Reality Labs, a metaverse company. But, Meta has not revealed how it will use that money. This is problematic because, according to a report by BusinessInsider, Meta is not being transparent with investors about its business practices. In addition, Meta is having trouble making money on its main business.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has expressed reservations about big companies taking big shots in new technologies. But he has said that his company is committed to bringing metaverse technology to life. He is also betting that this technology will lead to new computing uses. However, there are many critics of Mark Zuckerberg’s strategy.

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