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What Happens If You Die in the Metaverse?

What Happens If You Die in the Metaverse?

October 11, 2022 06:10
What Happens If You Die in the Metaverse?



What Happens If You Die in the Metaverse?

One way to understand the phenomenon of virtual graveyards is to ask yourself: ‘What happens when you die in the metaverse?’ This question may come up in a number of ways: Mark Zuckerberg’s statement that ‘if you die in the metaverse, you die in real life’, the ‘Live Forever’ mode in Somnium Space, or Opera GX’s first metaverse graveyard.



Mark Zuckerberg: ‘If you die in the metaverse, you die in real life’

Mark Zuckerberg is trying to change the way people think about his company. He’s switching the name from Meta to the more appropriate Metaverse, which is supposed to create a fun and interactive virtual world with social connections. But it’s not a safe bet that he’s not leaving death out of his plans.

It’s true that technology can be a powerful tool to enhance human relationships and social interaction, but it can also lead to disastrous outcomes. For example, Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg recently was zinged for investing $10 billion in a platform with underwhelming graphics and overhyped expectations.

In addition to Facebook, many other companies are making plans for a metaverse. Some are promoting a VR social platform while others are facilitating user-generated games.

Somnium Space’s ‘Live Forever’ mode

This new feature of the metaverse virtual reality platform Somnium Space will let you re-live your life even if you die in the metaverse. However, before you can avail of it, you’ll have to submit extensive personal data. Somnium Space is planning to roll out this service in the coming year.

Somnium Space’s ‘Live forever’ mode will let you talk to your loved ones in the metaverse, but you’ll need a huge amount of personal data to do it. The company’s CEO, Artur Sychov, was deeply worried about his children not knowing their grandfather, and he wanted to give them all a glimpse of him.

To help users create avatars and immortal mirror images, Somnium Space is collecting data on users’ movements and sounds. The data will be used to build an immortal replica of each user. The virtual avatar will look just like the original, and use the same voice and visual movements as the deceased.

Opera GX’s first-ever metaverse graveyard

The new version of Opera GX features an online graveyard for gamer avatars. The graveyard will serve as a way for gamers to honor their friends who have passed away. Players will be able to create digital tombstones for their avatars and write eulogies for them. It’s important to remember that a Metaverse death does not impact real life. Instead, the virtual person’s life ends, but the character can be recreated.

The gamer graveyard has been built in an 8-bit style and features tombstone makers that will allow gamers to create a personalized tombstone. Gamers can include their gamer name, eulogy, epitaph, and date of death.

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